Full engagement is the goal.

Fully engaged leaders learn to become Mentally Focused, Physically Energized, Emotionally Connected, and Fully Aligned to what really matters.
Fully engaged leaders also have a keen awareness of how important it is to refrain from engaging in Derailing behaviours. Derailers are not just weaknesses; they are interpersonal behavioural challenges that act as obstacles to optimal team results. Our 360° Elite Performance Profile™ will determine which Derailing behaviours your leaders are engaging in.
Employee engagement is an important driver of organizational success. When employees are engaged with their work, they’re more fulfilled, more productive and more motivated to create satisfied and loyal customers.
Fifth Element’s Employee Engagement Barometer™ is an organizational metric used to determine the rigour and discipline of the organization sponsoring the coaching for the client we partner with. This metric helps Fifth Element understand the situational and contextual variables affecting the client and the measures the organization will be well-served to give attention to for organizational excellence.